Writing to make the best possible first impression

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Turning around a negative first impression isn’t easy, even in person.  At a distance, when someone is reading what you have to say on paper or online, it’s difficult to impossible.  On the other hand, getting it right the first time can be the foundation for a solid, durable connection.  That’s where we come in.  We provide confidential writing and editing services to business, nonprofit and political clients to significantly improve the quality of their written materials.

When you write something…  Could be a business plan or proposal.  An application for a loan or pitch to investors or contributors.  A press release or speech.  A flier or mailing, website content, whatever.  If there’s a typo, a grammatical error or, heaven forbid, it’s boring, insensitive or uninspired…  Your audience doesn’t know you personally.  They’ve never heard the sound of your voice.  They haven’t seen the determination in your eyes.  There’s no in-person chemistry that forgives problems with a written document.  All they’re going to remember is that there was something missing, something wrong with what you wrote.  You’ve made a bad first impression.  Now what?

The ideas you’ve championed?  The confidence you have in whatever you’re going to do?  The pitch you’re making, whatever it’s about?  All that’s in jeopardy if your written materials don’t communicate effectively with your audience.

Writing is like any other essential element of your undertaking.  If it’s important, if the success of your business or campaign depends upon doing something well and making just the right impression, you can’t afford not to ask the a professional for assistance.  Don’t ever let pride of authorship or concerns about spending a few dollars prevent you from getting the advice you need.  At the end of the day, all that counts is whether or not you succeed and accomplish your objectives – with style and integrity.

We can help you by writing original materials or editing documents you’ve already written to make them clearer and more effective.

No matter what, the voice you’ll hear when we’re done won’t be ours.  It’ll be your voice, only better.  At their best, writing and editing are collaborative efforts that we undertake with our clients, not just for a fee and “We’ll get back to you when we’re done.”  That’s not our business model, nor would you want it to be.

What will your document read like when we’re done?  What will your speech sound like when you deliver it?  What will your lender think when she reads your proposal?  Good writers and editors are actors.  Subject to your approval, we “perform” what we write with you to deliver the style and tone that you’re after.  It’s not about replacing your voice with ours.  It’s about making your written materials more effective at communicating your message.  …This piece is written in our voice, in a conversational style.  Your voice, in a written proposal for example, might be more formal, less casual, more businesslike.

Sometimes it’s only a word or phrase here and there that needs fixing.  Other times, more extensive changes will be necessary to get the flow and impact just right.  At the end of the day, figuratively speaking, you want your audience on its feet looking forward to hearing more and working with you.  That’s what we can help you do.

Maybe you’ve shown what you’ve written to trusted family, friends, colleagues and advisors.  And they love it.  Maybe they’re right – or maybe it’s you they care about for personal or professional reasons.  We don’t have that problem.  We’re the second set of eyes every successful businessperson and candidate needs.  You can always count on our being honest and straightforward in the comments we make and in the original materials we create for you.

If it’s important work, it’s worth doing right.

Interested?  Go to our website for more information about the services we offer and for our contact information.  Let’s talk about what you need.  Everything we discuss, all the materials we write or edit for you, even the fact that you contacted us, will be strictly confidential.

We’re looking forward to working with you.

Communication is everything.

Surprisingly affordable professional writing and editing services for business, political and non-profit clients.

Go to Writeaway.us for better, more effective written materials.

P.S.  For the record, Writeaway loves students, but doesn’t write papers for them.  Study hard.  Maybe go to graduate school.  Start changing the world for the better and we’re looking forward to having you as clients after that.